Brown Street Park October Happenings
- Thursday Fun Days continue at Brown Street Park through October 4:00-5:00.
o Thursday October 2- Kickball
o Thursday October 9- Fairy Houses (from found elements)
o Thursday October16-Tag
o Thursday October 23- Hop Scotch
- Saturday October 11th RISD Bench Install. Let us know if you would like to volunteer. Time TBD
- Friday October 17 from 12-2 La Leche League of Providence (breastfeeding resource and support for moms) will be holding its monthly meeting at Brown Street Park. In case of cold weather (below 60) or rain, meeting will take place at Rochambeau Library.
- Sunday October 19th from 3-5:00 Fall Clean up. Volunteers needed to spread mulch, lay the stones for the children’s garden, prune and prep the park for winter, fix benches and remove paint from fitness equipment, E mail wendy at
- Friday October 31st Spooky park fun….Halloween Party at Brown Street Park 4:00-5:30 Lots of games, crafts, food, music, trick or treat parade, and fun. Best for kids 11 and under, but all welcome. There are still opportunities to donate and volunteer. Email
Thanks to our recent business donors:
- A stone in Johnston for the stones for the children’s garden designed by Green Circle Design
- Goric for the slightly used equipment we will be installing shortly
- Wildlife Creations international for the fabulous new horse tire swing
- Peel Away for the stripper we will be using to update the old adult fitness equipment
Thanks to all the new members and donors. Our website will be updated shortly with your names