February 2010 NewsByte
Earth Day
Save the Date for our 3rd Annual Friends of Brown Street Park Earth Day Cleanup and Celebration, Saturday, April 24 from 1:30-4:00. There will be lots of music (Joe's Backyard Band) and work for everyone, especially children. This year will include an educational segment dedicated to helping children learn more about the meaning of Earth Day. We will also have friends from Groundworks Providence to share information and how to purchase trees. We will also be planting trees on this day! Other special guests include the Worm Ladies of Charlestown and other earth friendly folks.
Community Garden
We are working with the City of Providence to open the organic Community Garden in the Northeast corner of the park this Spring! Eamon Brown and Kate Bothe are coordinating this incredibly exciting effort. There is already a long list of people interested in a plot but send us your name if you have a strong interest. There is a sliding fee for an annual plot (the highest fee being $52). Let Eamon Brown know if you are interested in volunteering to build the supports for the garden beds (
A New Fitness Coordinator
We are thrilled to Welcome Kara Kelley (
fitness@brownstreetpark.org) as our new fitness programming coordinator. Stay tuned for a Fitness event which will showcase the new adult equipment. Improvements on the old equipment will be completed this spring.
New Things in the Park
We have been busy this winter. Stay tuned for news on the long-awaited toddler structure and a new entrance gate to the Park.
Summer Concert Series
We are so pleased to welcome David and Carolyn Beal (
Concerts@friendsofbrownstreetpark.org) as our new Summer Concert Series Coordinators.