Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our linkage with KABOOM!: parks, neighborhoods, identity, revitalization

KABOOM!, a national parks champion and non-profit, liked what they saw coming from Brown Street Park and even included Wendy in a film on the subject as well as a presentation on hor neighborhood partners can revitalize parks....

February 9, 2012 at 12:00 PM EST, 11:00 AM CST, 10:00 AM MST, 9:00 AM PST
(60 minutes)
Neighborhood parks that serve the needs of the folks nearby don't just happen; they have to be nurtured. Join Wendy Nilsson, Chair and Co-Founder of Friends of Brown Street Park, and Beth Charlebois, Director of Neighborhood Parks and Recreation Services in Providence, RI, to explore the makings of an effective relationship between community groups and city parks departments. Based on their experience revitalizing Brown Street Park in Providence, RI, Wendy and Beth lead listeners through ten steps to becoming partners in neighborhood parks, including ideas for how to engage communities, gather resources, and develop a unique identity for your park that reflects the identity tof your neighborhood. 

2024 Fiends of Brown Street Park - Halloween Party & Parade

  The beloved Brown Street Park Halloween Party and Parade is back again this year! The spook-tacular festivities begin in the park starting...